Frequently Asked Questions

What You Need to Know Before Going Solar

How do solar panels work?
Solar panels are made of highly conductive materials that use the sun’s rays to create direct current electricity. As most homes and businesses use alternating current, solar panels use inverters to turn the direct current into alternating current that then flows through your home’s property wiring, just like power from the grid.
Will my solar panels generate electricity during cloudy days?

Solar panels use the sun’s UV rays to generate power. Similar to how your skin can tan even if it’s cloudy, your solar panels will still generate electricity during cloudy and rainy days, just not as much as on a clear, sunny day.

How much will I save on my electric bills?
How much you save will depend on how much energy you use, where you live, and what your utility company charges for electricity. But in most cases, Synergy Solar aims to offset 100% of your electricity use through a solar PV installation, leaving you to pay small transmission fees as little as $5 or $15 a month.
How soon will I notice a difference in my electric bills?
Immediately! Your solar PV system will start generating energy for your property the day it’s installed.
What if I have bad credit?
At Synergy Solar, we are so passionate about solar that we’ve created partnerships with financial institutions that specialize in financing solar projects, allowing anyone to access solar, no matter their financial situation.
Are solar panels hard to maintain?
Solar panels require very little maintenance. In fact, your air conditioner needs more maintenance than your solar panels will. That’s because solar panels don’t have any moving parts and so there is very little chance of anything breaking.
How does the federal tax credit work?
The investment tax credit (ITC), also known as the federal solar tax credit, allows you to deduct 30 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. Learn more about how the ITC can help decrease your cost for a solar panel system.
Will installing solar panels void my roof's warranty?
No, the products Synergy Solar uses will keep your roof under warranty. Synergy Solar also has its own workmanship warranty as well as warranties on all our system components.
What happens if my roof is not good enough?

We have roofing partners who will replace your roof for 0 money down.

Will I get the 30% government Incentive?
While many homeowners are enjoying the benefits of the government incentive, not everyone qualifies for it. Because this is a tax-based incentive, you will need to consult your tax professional to see if you qualify for the benefit in full, partially, or not at all.
Why is solar so expensive? Why pay several grand on something when I don't really have to?
Homeowners often believe that they will be paying the full amount of the cost for the solar panels upfront, or quickly over a short period of time when the reality of this is that many homeowners qualify for loans that can last anywhere from 5 to 30 years, and the payments with low interest are going to be a lower cost than staying with their electric company without providing solar energy. When shown the math, some homeowners are saving upwards of $150,000 within their 20-year contracts by switching to solar with Synergy Solar.

Some customers believe that their electric bill will always be around the same with a slight increase over the years. The truth of the matter is that every year there is usually a 5 – 8% increase in the price per kilowatt-hour. This year, utility companies will be increasing by as much as 10%. People with low electric bills now will not feel that way this coming year. With solar energy, you get a flat rate payment thanks to your loan, and you get to off-set your energy costs! Even if the rate for energy rises, you are legally required to be given credits at the current market value. If Duke Energy is selling that energy for $2.00 per watt (nobody does) then you are generating credits valued at $2.00 per watt. If Duke decides the next day that they are charging $2.04 per watt, you are going to generate credits valued at $2.04 per watt.

I don't want to have a lien. Will you put a lien on my home/property to make sure I keep paying you?
Yes and no. There is no lien on the home or the property with certain banks, though there may be a lien on the solar equipment, and that lien may show up on the title of the property. For more information, schedule an appointment with one of our solar experts to learn more about what this could mean for you and your home. Not all banking options require a lien, and not all liens are on the property.
What do you mean "no money down"? Solar can't be free. So what does it mean?

When Synergy Solar tells you no money down, we mean:

  • There are no up-front costs
  • The proposal and quote process is free of charge
  • The installation of the solar panels are at no additional cost to the customer, no money upfront, no money down.
  • Monthly payments are simple, no hidden fees, no surprises, it’s exactly what we tell you when you finish the credit application and qualify for a banking option.
How many solar panels do I need? My house is 2200 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and I pay $150 a month.

Synergy Solar does not measure your solar needs based on the square footage nor by how many rooms you have. Estimating solar in this way has left a lot of customers in a bad spot, because their solar systems were priced out for what would appear to be top-level gear, and it turned out to be not enough for their consumption. Could you imagine someone selling you a $30,000 system and then you find out that you still owe $130 each month to your electric company? What a mess! We make sure to start where it makes sense. We observe your energy usage (only shown on your electric bill and not reflected by the price you pay) and we design a system that can meet your needs and go from there. If we cannot offset your home by 100%, it is your choice as to whether or not you would still like to go solar.

What happens if you disappear in 10 years? What happens to my warranty? My installation?

In the unlikely event that Synergy Solar ceases to exist, your warranties and coverage are still valid and covered by the manufacturers that made your solar equipment.

I want to sell my home in a few years. What happens when I want to sell?

Most of the financial institutions that work with Synergy Solar are often able to transfer the loans to the new homeowner, and in quite a few situations, they are even automatically approved to take over if there are any payments remaining. Solar equipped homes tend to sell at anywhere from 15% – 30% higher markups than homes of similar location and size without solar. With solar, your home’s marketability increases significantly. The lifespan of your roof is increased. Your payments are still made to be less for either you or the new homeowner. If you want to sell your home down the road, it still makes sense to go solar. Make sure to inform your solar expert about your desire to sell the home in the future and talk about how that can work with your qualifying bank.

My Homeowner's Association (HOA) won't allow solar panels. What should I do?

While many HOAs have had problems with going solar in the past, made threats, sent letters, and ultimately tried to stop the solar industry from helping their neighborhood, there is nothing they can really do to stop you. In fact, in more recent months, HOAs have been more forthcoming in providing paperwork for allowing solar installation. It seems they care more about whether or not the installation company is real, and if the solar panels are going to look bad on the property or in the neighborhood than anything else. If you are in an HOA, you can speak with them about the right information to give to Synergy Solar for going solar with us!

I want to go off-grid. Can you help me be completely energy independent?

The short answer is no. It is considered illegal to be off the grid, and also, it’s not typically worth it. Solar batteries are far from their best efficiency, they are costly, and don’t do well when it comes to supplying a household sufficient energy throughout the evening without some pretty big bucks being spent. It’s not to say that we won’t sell you batteries if you truly want them, but we don’t like to sell them unless they actually make sense for you to buy. The connection to the grid is a legal requirement in Florida and economically beneficial. Instead of paying premiums on transporting energy from other states, Florida, the sunshine state, can help its homeowners go solar and produce that much-needed energy at a far better price in the local area.

How fast can you install?

Synergy Solar is well reputed for its incredible response times, fast installations, and high-quality results. Counties, legal papers, and other processes, however, are not so quick. The rule of thumb for Synergy Solar is, if you live in Hillsborough County, your installation will be done quickly. If you are in Orange County, Duval, Osceola, and some others, the processes will undoubtedly take more time due to their rigorous processes of authentication in combination with COVID-19.

What is interconnection/net metering?

Net metering is what happens between you and your electric company after Synergy Solar has done all of the work. We make sure that your system is installed to code, legally documented, and we take care of all of the paperwork to make sure your electric company can allow your property to begin net metering.

The process that happens where Synergy Solar cooperates with your electric company to ensure your system is properly set up and that they are prepared to receive your energy, is called interconnection application and agreement.

The process of measuring your usage and comparing it to your energy output (what your solar panels produce) and providing at-cost credits towards your electric bill is called Net Metering.

Rather than one gauge showing numbers on your meter outside, there will be two. One for input, and the other for output. Input is how much energy your home is using during the day and night when your solar system is not producing enough to cover your immediate usage needs. The output is what your solar panels are producing and sending out to the electric company.

Why go with Synergy Solar when there are other companies out there who are bigger?

Synergy Solar takes the time to care about each customer’s system, provides the best warranties in the industry, and we offer 24-hour live system performance monitoring complete with live alerts, meaning we know just as soon as you if something is wrong with your system. We aren’t a faceless corporate giant. We are a passionate family-owned team of dedicated solar professionals that genuinely care about your solar experience.

I need a new roof. Can you include that with my solar loan?
Yes. We can include roof, AC, and water heaters in our quotes and loans. Talk to our sales reps to learn more about these opportunities!
If I rent, can my landlord get solar for me?
Yes, we can make this work, but you will NOT be involved in the loan and you will not be eligible to use the government tax incentive. The landlord, as the property owner, would have to contact us and work with us directly. This is incredibly rare, and we haven’t seen it with property management companies unless several properties are involved. If you have a single landlord that owns the property that you are in contact with, there are stronger chances of an installation. Again, the PROPERTY OWNER has to contact us directly to make arrangements. Renters are NOT eligible for solar. Not all landlords own the property, some of them just manage it in the name of someone else. We need the person on the title of the home.
We own the home, but I am not the homeowner, my spouse is. Can I still go solar, even if I am not on the title, and have the homeowner's permission/consent?
No. You must be listed as the homeowner on the title for the property in order to proceed with solar energy. It is easier for the original homeowner on the title to speak with us and go through the process. If this isn’t something they want to do, you are able to be added to the home as a homeowner with the original homeowner’s permission and presence, however, the process takes roughly 2 – 7 business days depending on availability of yourself, the notary, the homeowner and the sales rep. The homeowner will be required to provide a signature on the document granting you homeownership to the property. The primary homeowner may remain on the title as a homeowner or choose to relinquish homeownership to you, naming you the owner of the home. You can go solar once you are legally on the title of the home and considered a primary decision-maker for the property.
Why should I get a loan vs. paying cash for my system? What if I decide to do nothing at all?
  • Homeowners who are paying more in electricity each month than what their monthly loan payment would be valued at will benefit from using the loan option.
  • Homeowners who want to pay large sums of cash at once, will get faster savings benefits and a lowered price due to lack of interest payments. This option is great if you have plenty of cash to use on projects.
  • Homeowners who want to do nothing at all, and do not install solar, will usually pay more money over time, not increase the value of their home, and continue to live as the calculations project. With a loan or cash, your cost for energy is eventually zero and a small connection fee, whereas doing nothing, there is no end in sight, and you’re locked in for life, paying whatever the energy companies ask under threat of disconnection. Why rent your energy, when you can own it?