Improve Your Business With  Sustainable Energy

If you own a business in South Florida, solar panels won’t just reduce your electricity bills, they’ll also make you look good!  Ask us about commercial solar today!

Competitive Pricing

Professional Team

High Quality Services

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End-to-end Service

Advantages of
Commercial Solar

Cut Your Energy Bills

Pay Less For Your Electricity with Business Solar

With millions of solar installations across the U.S., more and more business owners are taking advantage of the price difference between solar panels and continuing to pay their utility for electricity.

As a business owner you may be asking yourself, does solar make sense for my business? Maybe you’ve been thinking about going solar but it still seems like a risky idea or are not sure how much it will cost.

You’ll be happy to know that, according to surveys done, both employees and customers like working for or doing business with a company that uses green energy and promotes environmental improvement. But when it comes to commercial solar, the main question is generally, does solar make financial sense?

Here are two simple facts that will help answer the question:

For the last 50-plus years, U.S. electricity prices have continuously increased by an average of about 4% every year.

Today, electricity accounts for one of the top five business expenses as business owners and CFOs feel electricity and utility bills cut into their profits as they simply pay too much for electricity.

On the flip side, thanks to constant advances in solar technology, improved optimization, and increased reliability, the price for solar power has constantly decreased year after year to where installing solar power not only reduces your monthly payments, and can be done with no money out of pocket, but immediately protects you against constantly increasing electrical rates.

As every business in South Florida is different, Synergy Solar specializes in tailoring commercial solar installations to any business of any size, not only making it make sense financially but working with your and your business’ specifications to help offset 100% of your energy with your solar PV system, helping you be 100% green.

Advantages of Commercial Solar

Unlock the Financial and Environmental Advantages of Commercial Solar Power

Reduced Monthly Energy Costs

Synergy Solar is one of the few solar companies in Florida that handles every aspect of your solar project in-house, making your transition to solar easy.

Helping The Environment

Synergy Solar is one of the few solar companies in Florida that handles every aspect of your solar project in-house, making your transition to solar easy.

Federal Tax Incentives

Synergy Solar is one of the few solar companies in Florida that handles every aspect of your solar project in-house, making your transition to solar easy.

Increased Property Value

Synergy Solar is one of the few solar companies in Florida that handles every aspect of your solar project in-house, making your transition to solar easy.

Energy Independence

Synergy Solar is one of the few solar companies in Florida that handles every aspect of your solar project in-house, making your transition to solar easy.

Increased Reliability

Solar energy systems are reliable and can provide energy even in remote locations. They are not dependent on the electrical grid and are unaffected by blackouts.

We Only Use High Quality Solar Panles

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(800) 961-0645


What is a solar purchase power

A solar power purchase agreement (PPA) is when a developer pays to install a solar energy system on a homeowner’s property and sells the solar energy to the homeowner at a fixed rate. The process of getting solar panels on your property is quite a task.

Net Metering

What is Net Metering?

What is Net Metering? If you’re reading this article, I am assuming that you’re considering going solar, you’ve heard about net metering, and you’re working to get a better idea of what it is, how net metering works, as well as its benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Empowering You to Make Informed Choices

Watch your electricity bill disappear by switching to solar power! Here are some common questions and some brief answers. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our consultants who will be able to answer any questions you have about solar.

Commercial Solar

Revolutionizing Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings
How do solar panels work?

Solar panels are made of highly conductive materials that use the sun’s rays to create direct current electricity. As most homes and businesses use alternating current, solar panels use inverters to turn the direct current into alternating current that then flows through your home’s property wiring, just like power from the grid.

Will my solar panels generate electricity during cloudy days?

Solar panels use the sun’s UV rays to generate power. Similar to how your skin can tan even if it’s cloudy, your solar panels will still generate electricity during cloudy and rainy days, just not as much as on a clear, sunny day.

How much will I save on my electric bills?

How much you save will depend on how much energy you use, where you live and what your utility company charges for electricity. But in most cases, Synergy Solar aims to offset 100% of your electricity use through a solar PV installation, leaving you to pay small transmission fees as little as $5 or $15 a month.

How soon will I notice a difference in my electric bills?

Immediately! Your solar PV system will start generating energy for your property the day it’s installed.

Will installing solar panels void my roof's warranty?

No, the products Synergy Solar uses will keep your roof under warranty. Synergy Solar also has its own workmanship warranty as well as warranties on all our system components.

High Quality, Long Lasting Solutions

Products We Use